Your Journey Begins as a Pilot...
In Eternity Convergence you begin your journey as a pilot in the human controlled galaxy of Ennae. After building up a crew and a small fleet of ships you can explore hundreds of planets and a number of galaxies to uncover a plot that is preparing to consume all life.
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You Discover an Ancient Artifact...
You begin as a novice pilot and miner who discovers an ancient artifact of incredible power during a mining mission. At the same time other artifacts have started to appear on numerous planets and their acquisition has thrown several neighboring galaxies into chaos. Amongst the disarray an organized clandestine force has begun to seek out and remove anyone in the possession of these great tools of power.
Factions, Unique Missions
Mine Minerals, Gasses, and Energy
Build Ships, Weapons, and Robots
Build a Fleet of Modified Ships
Recruit Pilots To Combat Other Forces
Navigate Threats Through Dialog or Combat
Behind the Scenes Screenshots and Concept Art
The game will be released for PC platforms. Please checkout some screenshots: